Lately in Brunei, there's this thingy in building Zebra Crossings ... u can find it every few metres in some populated commercial areas.... but IMHO it actually does not help to smoothen the traffic flow, and and in fact due to obstructed view, might be dangerous for the public to cross it safely...
Here's how to make it better:
1. Instead of making 2 zebra crossings 10 metres apart .. why not just make ONE huge zebra crossing.
2. Some cars will just speed up thru zebra crossings, will be more dangerous if it is a double lane, low visibility to driver, so why not build a hump at the zebra crossing, or rather build a zebra crossing on a hump, so no matter if there's people or not, driver will sure slow down punya ...
3. Lit up the pedestrian crossing... don't leave them in the dark ....
4. .. I'll let u decide .... what's best ...
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