Kampung Sungai Kedayan is part of Kampung Ayer (Kampung Means Village)....
I was told that, it was called as such because, the Kedayan people use the river to pass thru from their house to their business area, hence the name...
Kampung Ayer or the Water Village is considered one of the most outstanding landmark of Brunei Darussalam, with having a population of more than 20,000 people living in stilt houses, with standard living amenities (e.g. water, electricity, phone, tv, police station, fire brigades, schools, clinics, mosque etc).
Once in the historical timeline Kampung Ayer was the administrative capital of Brunei Darussalam.
A walk into the Kampung Zone...Kampung Ayer, situated at the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB), the capital city, consist of several villages connected together with jetties or they call it in Malay "jambatan", whilst some can only be reached via "Mutu Tambang" or so called the Water Taxi.
Mutu Tambang in Kampung Ayer, (I'll try to bring more of these in my future post)

Various views of the jetties or plank walkways in kampung Ayer, which connects from one place to another... BTW, the double storey building is a primary schools...
... a Night with Stars from Anugerah Bintang Popular (i.e. winner from a Popular Stars' Award),
was held very recently at one of the most prestigious hotels in Brunei, if not the World, The Empire Hotel & Country Club, in Jerudong, Brunei Darussalam, with a view facing the South China Sea with the 18 holes Jack Nicklaus's designed golf course.
It was a closed (by invitation only) charity function held for the disabled person associations in Brunei, which were from the Pusat Bahagia ("Happy Centre"), Community Development Department, Pusat Ehsan Al Ameerah Al-Hajah Mariam, Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Cacat (KACA), [lotsa thanks to those organising/sponsoring this event: The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Brunei, the Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA), Berita Harian (Malaysia) and Malaysian's TV3 (Melodi) member crews were there as well]
The charity event were hosted by 2 beautiful & talented young ladies Fasha Sanda & Sheila Rusly (Fasha's first time as an MC! Lucky audience... hehe), and songs perfomed by Farah AF2, Ruffedge & Mawi AF3, overall performances were brilliant, good vocals by all, and the audience really do enjoyed the event.
Just to show u all a glimpse of the event, here a some of the pix from the event, if I got the time I might post up more pix,(need to do some other stuffs), otherwise, these pix will do.
Brought to u exclusively by G-`FerRo hehehe.....

... the audience love the performances that they came up to the stage to participate with the stars...
...look at how the audience love Mawi and look at the photographers as well ... hehe

From L to R | Mawi, Farah, Fasha, Sheila, Ruffedge (yeah only 3 members, one member could not find his passport I think... hehe)
...the energetic Farah AF2 signing autograph...
... the lovely Fasha attending to some fans...
... and of course the "auramatic" Asmawi bin Ani a.k.a MAWI ...
Lastly, thanks to all for the success and the enjoyable event...