Tasik Lama is conveniently located at the heart of the Capital of Brunei ...... Bandar Seri Begawan .... This is one of the earliest water reservoir which supply fresh water to the public....
... now it has been heavily renovated ... new playgrounds ... new rubberised jogging track .... new clean toilets! ... a better amenities and recreational facilities.... many thanks to those authority concerns .....
... Tasik is usually packed with people .. doing their rounds .. in the morning ... and the number will usually double or triple during the afternoon .. after office hours .....
..... if u get up early in the morning .. some time before 0700 Hours ...... u can join the early bird "Tai-Chi" sessions .... the number or participants can be as much as 100 .... or even 1000 if u count them repetitively .... ;) ....
... there are lotsa stuffs that you can do in Tasik .... u can exercise .... walk or... brisk walk..... jog .... hiking .... do some photography ....... or jus sit down there........ n look at all those beautiful people passing by .... ;)
The photo above shows the sun ray shining through tree branches above the main arch of Tasik Lama....
... By the by ... they always called this place Tasik Lama ... hmmm... so my question is ... Where is Tasik Baru? .. ( if there's any .... otherwise they won't call it Tasik LAMA ... hmmm..)
.. and while we are in this subject ..... here are some more things to ponder....
........Do Lipton Tea or Boh Tea employees take coffee breaks?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal .........eating an endangered plant?
If the police arrest a mime, does he still have the right ........to remain silent?
If lightning did not "zig-zag", will they be faster?
How come when you open a can of evaporated milk .......it’s still there?
Why do you press harder on a remote control when you know ............the battery is dead?
Why does mineral water that 'has trickled through mountains for centuries' have a 'use by' date?
... oh well ... I can go on n on ... but .. I'll just leave it as it is for now .....
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