Saturday, September 15, 2007

FLORA | Bungatum Kolorei Orenatus...

... I've always posted photo about the modern.... city-life... or landscape.... or man-made wonders.... or something thereabout ....

... hmmm.. I guess.. it is about time for me to get closer to nature .....

.. Brunei ... the Heart of Borneo .. as it is also known as.. are rich in wide variety of flora and fauna ... some of the species found in Brunei are only unique to Brunei...

... and the eco-system is such that .. within a ten metre square area .... one can find hundreds.. if not thousand... species of different breed.....

.. one of the many different beautiful flowers ... surrounded by the soothing green leaves ...

Untuk Renungan Bersama...

Telah bersabda Rasulullah S.A.W.... biasakan dirimu berdoa antara azan dan iqamat, sesungguhnya doa itu tidak akan ditolak...

Telah bersabda Rasulullah S.A.W.... sesungguhnya para malaikat akan memohon keampunan bagi manusia selagi dia berada dalam kesucian dan tidak berhadas.....

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, bahawasanya ada seorang telah berkata kepada Nabi SAW : " Nasihatilah kepadaku ! " Dijawab oleh Nabi SAW : " Jangan marah! " Orang itu berulangkali meminta supaya dirinya dinasihati, maka tetap Rasulullah SAW mengatakan : " Jangan marah ! "

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